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NEXT BEEF RESTOCK: March 27th at 12pm EST
NEXT BEEF RESTOCK: March 27th at 12pm EST

History of Lily Hill Farm

In the 1940's, Avery Claire's grandfather, Arthur Mallory, was released from a German prisoner of war camp and returned home to Troup County, GA and married Avery Claire's grandmother, Mildred Avery.

She was the daughter of a local "country doctor" with a passion for polled Hereford cattle. Dr Avery's passion rubbed off on his son-in-law, Arthur.

Arthur proceeded to start his own herd and in the late 1960's purchased some of the current Lily Hill Farm property which had been part of the original Mallory Farm beginning in 1845.

Although Arthur had a day job as the president of a local bank, he was able to run a cow-calf operation of Brahman influenced cattle up until 1990.

In the 1980's, Arthurs fourth son, Avery Claire's father, Needham Mallory, moved back to Troup County and began helping his father with the farm. In 1990 Arthur sold his operation to Needham.

Needham enlarged the farm to its current size while transitioning to an "english influenced" commercial cow-calf operation.

Needham continued the cattle operation for another almost 30 years until handing the reins over to us.

Lily Hill Farm Through The Years